The Concept
The Things I Believe Project (TIBP) is an online journal consisting of articles on topics important to the writers and, hopefully, to numerous others online. As the publisher, I wanted a place where I could publish statements of belief—my own and others—in a formal and yet not overly technical style. All involved in this project strive to ensure the articles are clear and well-written. Though anyone can submit an article for consideration, each article must adhere to our submission guidelines and will be put through an informal peer-review process. TIBP allows anyone to write and submit an article on topics they are passionate about. These works will be archived at and shared with the world.
I hope you will consider contributing to TIBP as an author, a peer reviewer, or a reader who engages and posts interesting questions and perspectives. I also hope this online journal will provide you with thought-provoking information and "food" for your intellect.
Please contact me personally if I can answer any questions.